the [alternate] patriot |
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Death Row Roll CallDeath Row Roll Call: "since 1993, an average of five inmates have been released annually. Execution of the innocent is just one of many reasons to help end capital punishment in the US today." It's hard to justify any kind of killing, if you believe killing is wrong. And why is it that so many of the opponents of same-sex marriages dwell on a minor section of Leviticus and feel free to ignore one of the Ten Commandments (Thou Shalt not Kill). It does NOT say "'Thou shalt not usually kill," or "Thou shalt not kill unless you're in the Army, or being attacked, or possibly going to be attacked, or really and justifiably upset at what someone did." Go take a look at the Roll Call on the Nation website and see the names of who is being executed this month around the country. Palema
7:42 AM
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