the [alternate] patriot |
Sunday, February 01, 2004
Lessons for the youngI have three stories about people teaching politics to their kids. I. Football In the mall at Manchester, CT, I overheard this cheer-leading exchange between a passing Dad and his young son: WE'RE GONNA WATCH THE SUPERBOWL! Yeah! WHO DO WE LIKE??? -The Patriots!! That's right!! And WHO DO WE HATE?? - Saddam Hussein!! No, no, the Panthers... II. Unions There was a household where the parents and grandparents had all fought union battles -- the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, minimum wage, even the right to organize and strike. Democrats, all. Their son, also a very liberal Democrat, paid a visit with his little boy one day. As they came through the door, the child painfully stubbed his toe on the door sill. F***ing Republicans! he exclaimed. III. Activist It's not only men. I heard about a woman activist who usually took her little son Josh with her to demontrations; and sometimes at home entertained herself by practicing chants with her child: WHAT DO WE WANT? Justice! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? Now! One day at a rally for women's rights, the demonstrators had been out there all morning. WHAT DO WE WANT? shouted the mother Lunch? replied Josh Palema
3:13 PM
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