the [alternate] patriot |
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Not doing enough? Hah!When conservative columnists complain American feminists aren't doing enough to protect womens' rights anywhere, you know that improving women's lives is not their agenda -- any more than William Buckley or George Will write about the better Democratic candidate in hopes of giving us a really good Democratic president. Shall the fox write about improved ways to guard the henhouse? Now Kristof is complaining that American women's groups such as NOW and Feminist Majority don't care about sexual slavery and the trafficking of women and children for commercial sex. In a series of columns, he describes his efforts to 'buy the freedom' of two Cambodian teenage prostitutes living in a sleazy brothel in Poipet and to get them home to their families. Evangelical Christians, he argues, care about girls like these; feminists are too busy 'saving Title IX and electing more women to the Senate,'he observed in a Times online forum. Right, why should American women care about equal opportunities and electing to office people who think contraception is as important as Viagra? Never mind that putting more feminists in the Senate--not more "women"--would mean more help for the very causes Kristof supports! Let me just add that the Christian Right would be better served by backing out of American politics and focusing on the hereafter, lest they miss the Boat when it comes by for them. Palema
5:45 AM
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