the [alternate] patriot


Sunday, February 22, 2004

What Bush's Guard File Reveals (nothing)

The Nation summarizes the contents of the sheaf of records thrown at reporters recently. You can bet that every time the issue arises during the campaign, Bush will say 'I answered all those questions already. We already gave the records showing his Guard duty.' Yep, yep, he answered. The answer is: AWOL.
What Bush's Guard File Reveals:
* In May 1972, Bush moved from Texas to Alabama to work on the Senate campaign of a family friend. He still had two years left on his Guard obligation. He requested permission to continue his Guard training in Alabama. But did he show up?

* Sometime after the November 1972 election, he returned to Houston. But his immediate supervisors at Ellington Air Base in Houston--his home base--noted in a May 2, 1973, annual performance review that Bush 'has not been observed at this unit' for the past year. After that report, he put in several intensive stints of duty. But had Bush ignored his Guard responsibilities for months once he was back in Houston?

* In September 1972, he was grounded for failing to take a flight physical. Why did he not go through this simple step to preserve his flying status?

The new records provide answers to none of this

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