the [alternate] patriot


Saturday, March 20, 2004

237 lies documented by Congress

I got an email from today quoting from the Waxman report on the Administration's misleading the nation and Congress before going into Iraq. Sen. Kerry stated he voted to go to Iraq because the Admdinistration misled him and many sneered. I myself sneered, since I believed from the get-go that Bush &Co were lying. Kerry's not so cynical, I guess.

Because of the gravity of the subject and the President's unique access to classified information, members of Congress and the public should expect the President and his senior officials to take special care to be balanced and accurate in describing national security threats. It does not appear, however, that President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld, Secretary Powell, and National Security Advisor Rice met this standard in the case of Iraq. To the contrary, these five officials repeatedly made misleading statements about the threat posed by Iraq.

The Government report details 237 misleading statements by top Bush admdinistration officials. See the full report

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