the [alternate] patriot


Monday, March 01, 2004

More on gay marriages

It seems that most right-thinking people support the right of gay people to marry, and oppose Bush's distraction of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages.
This is from Eric Meyer, the style sheets guru: my view, there's no good reason why the subject of who can or can't be married should be a part of the Constitution, amended or otherwise. I mean, if we're going to start amending the Constitution to prohibit behaviors we don't like, then when do I get my amendments banning civilian ownership of vehicles that get less than 30mpg on the highway, poorly formed HTML markup, and televangelists? And if those seem silly, how come my dislikes are less worthy of being Constitutionally enshrined than somebody else's?

Beyond that, I'm generally supportive of what's happening in San Francisco, at least in a general senseā€”I'm not sufficiently informed about the specific legal situation in California to have an opinion about the legalities, but the fundamental purpose is A-OK with me. Because as longtime readers (all four of you) can probably guess, I see no reason why homosexual couples should have any less ability to marry than heterosexual couples. I once was friendly with a couple who had been together twelve years, wore marriage bands, and had thrown a ceremony in which they exchanged the bands. The works, pretty much. Yet they couldn't get married, legally speaking. They were a far better example of loving pair than a lot of hetero couples I've known, and yet they could never be spouses./

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