the [alternate] patriot


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Democratic National Convention 7/27/2004

I was introduced to senate for illinois, Barack Obama, tonight. Great speech! - -
We are not many tiny pools of Asian-Americans, African-Americans, etc etc... we are all ONE UNITED STATES. Read more on CNN and at their blog.

Ron Reagan, Jr has also appeared at the DNC to discuss medical research of embryonic stem-cell research to cure MS, Parkinson's, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, etc.
The incredible science involved...let's say 10 years from now YOU are diagnosed with x-disease. Doc doesn't give you drugs, but instead selects some of your own cells, encouraged to reproduce, and reinjected back into your brain to replace the faulty cells. .. You are cured. .. Your own personal biological repair kit... No fetal tissue created nor destroyed. It all occurs at the cellular level. However, there are people who will fight this despite no fetus is involved, no "murder." ... they are merely grinding a political axe. ..the theology of a few should NOT be allowed to to stall the health and well-being of the many."

Wow, young Reagan Junior is AMAZING!

Read more about him regarding Iraq and Bush:

Ron Reagan Says Bush Misled U.S. on Iraq

Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - Ron Reagan, the younger son of the late President Reagan, criticized the Bush administration's foreign policy, saying he believed the president misled Americans to gain support for the Iraq war.

"We lied our way into the war," he said on CNN's "Larry King Live" on Wednesday, referring to allegations that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and direct connections to al-Qaida. "It's a terrible mistake, a terrible foreign policy error."

Reagan, 44, a vocal opponent of his father's conservative politics, said he would vote for anyone who could beat the current president."

Read More.

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