the [alternate] patriot


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Some goofs, some good

I was quite sad when Sen. Daschle's nomination fell by the wayside.

Well, actually I was quite disappointed on learning he failed to pay taxes on stuff he should have paid on and didn't realize it.

I propose a few rules for public servants:

  • Do not try to enrich yourself from public service.

  • After serving in any legislative body, never work as a lobbyist -- it destroys your credibility and thus your chance to be helpful.

  • While serving in any public position take no free stuff or services from anybody including friends; that way, there will never be any question as to the intent of the giver. You don't need free stuff. If someone wants to show his appreciation, let him say "Thank you." (And you say, "We're glad to help- that's what we're here for.")

  • Nevertheless, I still admire Daschle, and hope he finds a spot in public service where the public can benefit from his ability and sentiments. I respect him for the very sincere apology he offered -- it's been a while since we heard a sincere and regretful, not weaseling and resentful, apology.

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