the [alternate] patriot


Sunday, February 08, 2009

A terrible mess

Pres. Obama said in a recorded address to his supporters convening at house meetings around the country today:
We've inherited a terrible mess, but I know we have the capacity to rise to this moment, and keep the promise of America alive in our time -- IF the American people demand that we do.

It's going to get worse before it gets better, folks.

The big banks and mortgage hawkers are partly to blame for the mess this Administration has inherited, but so is the previous administration. It was they who thought they could finance two wars and fund the for-profit enterprises that have been in many ways substituted for the regular army - and put the bills all on the nation's credit card. It looks as though these private provisioners have been in place at least since the all-volunteer army started.

It's an interesting subject that I'd like to learn more about. KBR (aka Kellogg, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of the former Veep's company Halliburton) has had government contracts stretching back at least to WWII. I get the feeling, though, that at some point a line was crossed to where we now have a mercenary army instead of a citizen force.


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