the [alternate] patriot |
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Obama's call to responsibility - State of the Union addressPresident Obama called Republican members of congress (and Sen. Lieberman, I-CT) to cease the politics of obstruction and start engaging in the business of governing the nation. He was gentle, he was firm, and he was funny. ["I know that there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change...."] I give him very high marks for content. Also high marks for delivery, except for two tics that bugged me. a- Many sentences that, in the text begin with "Now,...(comma)" in his delivery begin with "Now. ...(full stop)" b- the little left hand gesture that resembles a hand holding a tv remote and changing the channel. Come to think of it, though, it could warrant a review to see if he just does the remote click when he's changing the subject, or looking for new thinking on an old subject. Text of the full speech is at Palema
7:04 AM
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